Campus Life in Three Eras

In 1923, a wealthy industrialist from Lincoln County, North Carolina, 向附近的一所大学捐款,这所大学不仅以他的名字命名了一座大楼,还以他的名字命名了整个学院. 这位实业家就是丹尼尔·埃菲尔德·雷恩,勒努瓦学院就是这样变成了勒努瓦-雷恩学院.

任何里程碑都是一个回顾过去和现在的好机会,是全球网赌十大网站希望创造的未来的窗口. 50年后,1923年的勒努瓦-雷恩(Lenoir-Rhyne)对学生们来说只是模糊的熟悉,今天很难认出来, 100 years later.

Archival black and white photo of Mary Kathryn Monroe
28岁的玛丽·凯瑟琳·梦露在班上很受欢迎, which named her “Best All-Round Girl” in her senior year.

28岁的玛丽·梦露·格温向86岁的莱斯利·凯勒描述了20世纪20年代的校园, an interviewer for “Traces,” an oral history of LR, in 1985. “There was very little paving then on the streets around. 老美因和科学大楼已经被拆除. 老体育馆,你知道的,还有橡树景,女生的框架宿舍,男生的高地大厅.” 

格温命名的每一栋建筑现在都不复存在了——尽管1955年以来的学生都熟悉以格温父亲命名的礼堂, P.E. Monroe, president of LR from 1934 to 1949. Between the sites where Highland and Oak View once stood, 弗里茨-康拉德大楼将男女住在同一栋楼里. 而景观和日常习俗随着时间的推移而改变, 格温对校园氛围的描述对于任何时代的熊来说都是熟悉的.

“Relaxed. Happy, I think,” she said. “There was a good camaraderie among the students.”


无数学生在劳氏找到了他们的终身伴侣, a process made more challenging by the rules of the 1920s, but not impossible.

“You couldn’t have a date unless you had a chaperone. You had to go in a group — ten, fifteen, 或者二十一名教员和你一起去看电影,26岁的伊丽莎白·波利克向86岁的《全球赌博十大网站》采访者艾伦·巴恩哈特解释道. “没有院长的许可,全球网赌十大网站是不允许坐车的. You couldn’t even get in a car with a fellow.”

For men, the rules were different. There weren’t any, according to Victor Shuford ’25, who met his wife while out for an off-campus walk. 她坐在学校附近的院子里,假装在看书. “I gave her a smile and spoke to her, then before I left that afternoon, she drove me in her big, nice car right down to the college,” he told “Traces” interviewer, Lisa Jones Tucker ’86.

1926 archival photo

其他社会活动包括参加教堂礼拜, 通过强制性学生文学社团进行辩论和讨论, 晚饭后沿着战争之路散步——一条从老缅因延伸出来的车道, where the Rhyne Building stands now, to the corner of Main Avenue and 7th Ave NE.

“We couldn't walk with the boys, 但他们就走在全球网赌十大网站后面,全球网赌十大网站可以在一起愉快地交谈. Back and forth and back and forth we strolled,” Ethel Yoder, class of 1917, told a “Traces” interviewer in 1977. 试图结束这一习俗引起了学生的骚动.

“One evening the girls all gathered in front of Oakview. 男孩们都从高地大厅下来,围着女孩们转, singing and giving yells,” said Yoder. The walks were allowed to resume.

Fifty years later, 73届的Mickey Payseur将参加一个类似的场景,这在校园的兄弟会中成为一种习俗.

“The guys had their fraternity pins, and, if they had a girlfriend they were serious about, they would give their pin to her,” he said. With pinning came a serenade. “The whole fraternity would put on coats and ties. If the girl was in a sorority, her sisters would dress up. 每个人都会在晚上9点或10点聚集在莱恩伯格大楼前,兄弟姐妹们会轮流为这对夫妇唱浪漫的歌曲.”

1974 archival photo

In 2023, social life is much less formal, and dorms are co-ed, 男女之间用大厅而不是大楼隔开. While freshmen follow stricter rules than upperclassmen, those rules are oriented toward safety, security and roommate comfort. 然而,社会生活仍然集中在更大的公共空间.

“Usually, you’ll see people in Joe’s Coffee or Shaw Plaza, and they may have something that catches your interest,” said community health major, Devin Osborne ’24. “也许他们的电脑上有你喜欢的贴纸或t恤, so you start up a conversation.”


Alongside the evolving social scene, 20世纪20年代,许多有组织的校园活动都融入了LR的结构. For example, 舒福德是该校第一支军乐队的主席, 它成立于1918年,但在随后的几年里站稳了脚跟.

全球网赌十大网站为卖地、政治会议、球类比赛和游行演奏,”他说. 当学院得到一大笔拨款,并把名字从勒努瓦学院改为勒努瓦-雷恩学院时, we had a big parade down Main Street, and, of course, it was led by the band, and we had all our pictures on the banners.”

In those years, 校际运动主要限于棒球和足球, 但当时的比赛还没有达到现代球迷所熟悉的激烈程度. 男女都可以参加篮球和网球等校内运动队.

“有一年夏天,我去了那里,全球网赌十大网站打了很多槌球,”格温说. “That was fun. Imagine that now.”

1973 archival photo

Fifty years later, 第九条开始扩大女性的校际体育选择, but intramural offerings were varied and engaging. 读书小组取代了20世纪20年代强制性的文学社团, and the Playmakers, established in 1926, were going strong.

“希腊体系非常非常受欢迎,”73岁的莫林·埃利奥特·蒂格(Maureen Elliott Teague)分享道. 姐妹会在宿舍里有指定的大厅,一些兄弟会有自己的房子. “全球网赌十大网站做了社区服务,参加了正式活动,全球网赌十大网站在rush期间做了一些愚蠢的事情. I have wonderful memories of all those events.”

这不是什么秘密,这些天LR提供了一个广泛的和有竞争力的体育项目. 全球网赌十大网站管理着一系列的俱乐部,解决了广泛的兴趣,并提供了创建新俱乐部的选择. 校园活动委员会(CAB)每个月提供一个完整的节目列表.

“人们真的很感谢俱乐部和CAB,因为它主要是学生领导的,” Osborne explained. “这是一个学生们提出想法并让事情发生的校园.”


2021年8月,塔利班将他们赶出了大学和家园, 阿富汗难民在世界各地的新机构找到了家,包括LR, 哪里有十几名学生找到了安全和支持.

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